Work With Us
Are you passionate about helping others deepen their connection with God, form meaningful relationships, and experience powerful life change, all against the backdrop of big adventure, memorable experiences, and a community of lifelong friends?
Greenhouse is a part of Berea Ministries, a network of camps and events focused on helping youth and families take their next steps with Christ. If you have a heart for God and service; a passion for growth and new experiences; and a desire to use your skills in ministry while working on a team with diverse but like-minded individuals—we have a spot for you!

Year-Round Jobs
Join our year-round team of people passionate about what God is doing in the lives of students and families in New England. Both year-round and seasonal ministry positions are available across a number of departments, including marketing, advancement, facility maintenance, program direction, and more.

Summer Staff
Can you say “best summer job ever?” Invest in the lives of the next generation while making lifelong friends and growing in your own faith. Whether you want to be a cabin leader or take on a specialty role like manning the waterfront or working in the dining hall, summer jobs are missional assignments that you’ll never forget.

Life Discipleship & Leadership
If you want to gain a wide range of experience while growing in your faith like never before, our Life Discipleship & Leadership program is a one-year role where you will get on-the-job training, develop new skills, live in and build a new community, and be mentored by our staff. Perfect for a gap year or entry-level position out of school!